It was a cool, overcast morning typical of southern California - we call it ‘June Gloom’. As I sat there clutching my cup of tea staring at a hazy horizon, I was feeling gloomy about my own prospects.

On a less-than-a-shoe-string budget, I was trying to find enough Chicago Cubs memorabilia to dress both my set and my five actors. I was producing and directing my first film, and I needed it all: oversized shirts, jackets, hats, posters, flags, comforters, and all sorts of odds and ends.
The usual flea markets and garage sales offered infrequent gems, and the online marketplaces wanted too much money. Waaay too much. And new gear was just out of the question.
As a last-ditch effort, I posted a query to my neighbors on NextDoor: “Got Cubs Gear?”
My jaw dropped. Within ten minutes, I had two responses. Ten more minutes and I had six. At this rate, it only took a week to fully clothe all my actors. Thanks to my neighbors, we dressed the set with enough authentic Cubs gear to make you think we actually filmed in Chicago!

Over a dozen hats, banners, team jerseys, and photos of Wrigley Field. All the fan favorites were there. A woman who lives just 4 blocks away gave me a hand-painted sombrero!
At the end of the day, I had more gear than I needed and we were able to put the money I had saved on props and costumes back into the movie.
As an indie producer, we are often forced to rely on the kindness of strangers. Watching the community come forward to help out was certainly an affirming experience.
To my neighbors, I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you for making my day that much brighter. And
Go Cubs!